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PostPosted: Fri 19:37, 11 Oct 2013    Post subject: Junior boys in the bus station was electrocuted _

Reporter Qincong Jun (City Times)
14 evening, Zhang Hao's body was sent to the Third People's Hospital of Kunming freezer saved.
Zhang Hao academic performance in the class but in general,[url=]mulberry outlet[/url], in mid-June in the exam is necessary, he also began the sake of their own future.
Family was poor, the boy is planning to consider vocational Yesterday morning, the accident bus station is still not disarmed, and police at the scene.
"We often check on billboards, billboards have leakage protection switch, this is not such a thing should happen now because we will soon find out leakage, to prevent such things from happening again." Yesterday afternoon, the bus came to the leadership of the company
Check the city bus company site powered Hao's death, caused public bus station and the bus company's safety attention.
Came back, my mother told him that the school can be.
Now his son has left him, his spiritual pillar collapsed.
Zhang Hao and uncle slept on the balcony where it is a bunk bed,[url=]louboutin pas cher[/url], uncle slept above, he slept below, each bed are from the bedside dig into bed stood a table on which there are some books and a
are gone.
With the idea of ​​reading vocational, Zhang Hao's parents also have great respect for his ideas, and has begun to plan.
Zhangzheng Fu said his son died, he even have a "want to live" idea.
Hao sad atmosphere of the home.
Zhang room, 57 square meters room lived five individuals, in addition to Zhang three people, but also home to an uncle and an uncle.
His sudden death, the whole family suddenly thrown into mourning.
'an Hospital bus station electric shock down, and killed.
Manager Fan said they are actively cooperate with the testing agencies investigating why billboard leakage, and other test results came out, they will follow the relevant regulations, properly handle Hao's funeral.
Zhang Hao home, to appease their parents condolences.
Zhang Hao family was poor, his father 67 years old, retirement home, my mother did not work, family life to rely on his father's retirement pay 1200 yuan per month, and the family TV is aunt sent.
Bus stop sign advertising company responsible for the management of Mr.Fan said after the event, they actively cooperate with the forensic center and relevant testing departments protect the scene and promptly cut off the power accident, and in the evening on the city bus station all powered dragnet inspection.
He told his mother that his grades are not very good, home conditions are not good, he did not test high school, vocational high school want to read,[url=]woolrich[/url], learn techniques to find a job, help at home.
Early May, his mother also dedicated to vocational high school to see the look.
"The vast expertise are also picked out, he wanted to read electrical engineering." Father Zhang Zhengfu firm voice, said: "If the son alive, at home no matter how poor, but also let him finish school." But now all "if"
Bus company promises "will properly handle the matter,[url=]ムートンブーツ 2013[/url]."
He was married 50 years, 51 years before had such a son.
During the overall security of the city's bus station shelters take power handling.
In another three months, Zhang Hao to be 15 years old.
Yesterday,[url=]hogan outlet[/url], the Kunming Public Transport Group Co., Ltd. announced that will be held May 15 to May 17, on the bus station electricity facilities to conduct a comprehensive safety testing.
Family said Zhang Hao tall tall, 1.7 meters thick, 80 kg.
May 14 evening, the bus company's leadership sent 5000 yuan in relief funds.









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